The education system in the 21st century is continuously transforming due to modern trends in human sciences, particularly the accelerated development of pedagogical science. New approaches are required based on the increased quality of education, personality development, the principles of democratic learning, STEM education, current trends in entrepreneurship education. Ensuring quality professional education and training requires compliance with the European and national priorities and policies in this area. In education systems, the requirement for developing social competencies, qualities of taking initiative and entrepreneurship, personal responsibility and special skills related to business and entrepreneurial activity is increasing.
This article presents a model for combining and upgrading traditional entrepreneurship training with STEM-based training and active learning methods in an interactive educational environment. The aim of the research is to develop an innovative model for entrepreneurship education through a training institute, with the application of STEM based integrated activities. For the study the following tasks have been defined: analysis of the current state of the problem in the scientific literature and a study of good European and national practices for entrepreneurship education, analysis of the didactic aspects of entrepreneurship training through a training institute for students aged between 15-19 years, development of an experimental program for extracurricular activity using active methods and an integrated STEM approach, development of variants of interdisciplinary situations and learning projects combined with STEM. Achieve functional literacy, analytical skills and creativity, rapid adaptation to modern technologies and the resulting changes in the labor market. In parallel, the focus is on the formation of interdisciplinary and practically oriented knowledge and problem-solving skills, entrepreneurship, creative and critical thinking, and civic engagement.