Ultraviolet radiation is damaging to fishes, and fishes living in shallow water cope with this radiation by sequestering UV-absorbing compounds in their epithelial mucus. In the shallow waters of coastal Panama, fish may encounter vastly different irradiance environments that vary as a function of their proximity to major riverine inputs. Two common shallow water Caribbean fishes, Scarus iseri and Halichoeres bivittatus, were collected from 1 to 3 m depths at 3 locations within Bahia Almirante, Panama. Irradiance measurements were taken both at the subsurface and at 1 m depth for each of these sites, and 310 nm attenuation coefficients, k d (310), ranged from 0.94 m -1 at the clearest site to 1.83 m -1 at the most turbid site. Fishes from waters where UV was attenuated the most quickly had mucous sunscreen that differed significantly from that of fishes from clearer waters. The 2 species showed different manners of acclimatizing to UV radiation: H. bivittatus from clearer waters shifted the spectral quality of its mucus toward absorbance of shorter, more damaging wavelengths, whereas S. iseri from clearer waters increased the overall UV absorbance of its mucus, with minimal spectral shifting.KEY WORDS: UV · Fish · Mucus · Mycosporine-like amino acids · MAA · Turbidity · Attenuation coefficient
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherMar Ecol Prog Ser 343: [263][264][265][266][267][268][269][270][271] 2007 such as occurs near river mouths (Jerlov 1968, Kirk 1994. Noting this variability in the optical properties of water in the far ultraviolet, Jerlov (1968) classified water into different optical types on the basis of irradiance transmission across the ultraviolet and visible spectrum. More recently, Kirk (1994) detailed a method of calculating the vertical attenuation of ultraviolet irradiance (k d ), and presented UVB vertical attenuation data at 310 nm for a number of different natural waters. These values ranged from 0.116 m -1 in clear oceanic water (Sargasso Sea) to 37.3 m -1 in the Yellow Sea. The striped parrotfish Scarus iseri and the slippery dick Halichoeres bivittatus are abundant in the shallow coastal waters of Bocas del Toro, Panama. S. iseri is herbivorous, consuming cyanobacteria (Calothrix and Lyngbia spp.) and red and green algal species (Randall 1967). S. iseri individuals may show any of 3 behavioral types-territorial, stationary, or foraging -with corresponding home ranges of approximately 10, 50, and 5000 m 2 (Ogden & Buckman 1973). While home-range size may vary, these fish rarely venture deeper than 3 m (Ogden & Buckman 1973).Halichoeres bivittatus is a generalist carnivore, consuming a wide variety of benthic species such as crabs, urchins, brittle stars, polychaete worms, molluscs, shrimps, chitons, stomatopods and bony fishes (Randall 1967, Wainwright 1988. A gradual ontogenetic dietary shift from primarily soft-bodied to primarily hard-bodied invertebrate prey occurs as fish grow from 8 to 11 cm standard length (Wainwright 1988 (News...