We present and describe the NEsted SeTs for Object hieRarchies (NESTOR) Framework
that allows us to model, manage, access and exchange hierarchically structured
resources. We envision this framework in the context of Digital Libraries and using
it as a mean to address the complex and multiform concept of interoperability when
dealing with hierarchical structures. The NESTOR Framework is based on three
main components: The Model, the Algebra and a Prototype. We detail all these
components and present a concrete use case based on archives that are collections
of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution,
or group of people, because the archives are fundamental and challenging entities in
the digital libraries panorama. Within the archives we show how an archive can be
represented through set data models and how these models can be instantiated. We
compare two instantiations of the NESTOR Model and show how interoperability
issues can be addressed by exploiting the NESTOR Framework