The Serbia SDG Investor map is created using an established SDG Investor Map Methodology 2.0 - a comprehensive step-by-step UNDP methodology that combines secondary data research with desk analysis, interviews, and discussions with public and private sector stakeholders to verify findings and contribute new insights. The data are analyzed to distill Investment Opportunity Areas (IOAs) and data-backed business models. The findings on the SDG Investor Maps are uploaded to the SDG Investor Platform, allowing the investors to use extensive functionality to search for market intelligence on Serbia's SDG-aligned investment opportunities by filtering on several criteria of particular interest, including sectors, regions, SDGs as well as return profiles, market size and timeframes of investments. Serbia's proposed SDG investment portfolio consists of thirteen Investment Opportunity Areas, which came out as a result of the process of prioritization of the country's sustainable development needs, the existence of supporting country and sectoral policies, and the identification of appropriate business models for investment development. The total IOA pipeline is estimated at more than $8.3 billion in the next five years.