Computational fluid dynamics was used to simulate the flow of blood within an inferior vena cava (IVC) geometry model that was reconstructed from computed tomography images obtained from a real patient. The main novelty of the present work is that we simulated the implantation of 4 different filter models in this realistic IVC geometry. We considered different blood flow rates in the range between V =20 and V =80 cm /s, and all simulations were performed with both the Newtonian and a non-Newtonian model for the blood viscosity. We compared the hemodynamics performance of the different filter models, and we paid a special attention to the total drag force, F , exerted by the blood flow on the filter surface. This force is the sum of 2 contributions: the viscous skin friction force, which was found to be roughly proportional to the filter surface area, and the pressure force, which depended on the particular filter geometry design. The F force is relevant because it must be balanced by the total force exerted by the filter hooks/struts on the IVC wall at the attachment locations. For the highest V value investigated, the variation in F among filters was from 116 to 308 dyne. We also showed how the present results can be extrapolated to obtain good estimates of the drag forces if the blood viscosity levels change, ie, if the patient with a filter implanted is treated with anticoagulant therapy.