In an R&D-driven growth model with asymmetric fundamentals the steady state equilibrium R&D investments are industry-speci…c and they are such that R&D returns are equalized across industries. Return equalization, however, makes investors indi¤erent as to where to target research and, hence, the problem of allocation of R&D investments across industries is indeterminate. Agents' indi¤erence creates an ambiguous investment scenario. We assume that agents hold "ambiguous" beliefs on the per-industry pro…tability of their R&D investments. Investors'aversion towards ambiguity (in the sense of Gilboa-Schmeidler, 1989) eliminates the indeterminacy of the R&D investment problem. In particular, we prove that the asymmetric return-equalizing equilibrium is robust against a however small degree of investors'aversion to ambiguity.