Chronic obstructive airways diseases afflict millions of people worldwide, being responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Despite progresses in the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms and advances in the therapeutic interventions, neither asthma nor chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be cured as yet, although both diseases can be optimally controlled. Inhaler therapy plays a crucial role in achieving this and allows personalised treatment strategies to patients. However, satisfactory adherence and correct technique in the use of inhaler devices can be particularly challenging. The present review aims to present updated and evidence-based literature findings to shed light on the role and relevance of inhaler devices in chronic obstructive airways diseases and provide readers with clear information and advice about the use of inhalers in the variety of options available, to recognise the crucial inhaler errors and gain an insight with respect to recent innovation addressing the unmet needs in the field. (BRN Rev. 2018;4(4):304-18) Corresponding author: Matteo Bonini,