“…Impressive intention-behavior correlations have been obtained in a number of diverse areas such as cooperating in a prisoner's dilemma game ( r = 232; Ajzen, 1971), having an abortion (r = .96; Smetana & Adler, 1980), using birth control pills ( r = 3 5 ; Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980), breast versus bottle feeding (r = 3 2 ; Manstead, Proffitt, & Smart, 1983), attending church during an Easter holiday (r = .90; King, 1975), performing mental practice before football games ( r = 3 1 ; Trafimow & Miller, 1996), and others (see the meta-analyses by Kraus, 1995, andby Sheppard, Hartwick, &Warshaw, 1988, for systematic reviews of research on this issue). Generally, although it would certainly have been desirable to measure actual exercise behavior, there are precedents for using intentions as a substitute (Fishbein, 1980;Trafimow, 1994Trafimow, , 1996Trafimow & Finlay, 1996;Trafimow & Fishbein, 1994a, 1994b.…”