This is an author produced version of a paper published in Science of The Total Environment. This paper has been peer-reviewed and is proofcorrected, but does not include the journal pagination.Citation for the published paper: Löfgren, S., Gustafsson, J. P., Bringmark, L. (2010) Recently, a hypothesis was presented on how various spatial and temporal factors affect 4 the DOC dynamics. It was concluded that declining sulphur deposition and thereby 5 increased DOC solubility, is the most important driver for the long-term DOC 6 concentration trends in surface waters. If this recovery hypothesis is correct, the DOC 7 levels should increase both in the soil solution as well as in the surrounding surface 8 waters as soil pH rises and the ionic strength decline due to the reduced input of SO 4 2-9 ions. In this project a geochemical model was set up to calculate the net humic charge and 10 DOC solubility trends in soils during the period 1996-2007 at two integrated monitoring 11 sites in southern Sweden, showing clear signs of acidification recovery. The Stockholm 12Humic Model was used to investigate whether the observed DOC solubility is related to 13 the humic charge and to examine how pH and ionic strength influence it. Soil water data 14 from recharge and discharge areas, covering both podzols and riparian soils, were used. 15The model exercise showed that the increased net charge following the pH increase was 16 in many cases counteracted by a decreased ionic strength, which acted to decrease the net 17 charge and hence the DOC solubility. Thus, the recovery from acidification does not 18 necessarily have to generate increasing DOC trends in soil solution. Depending on 19 changes in pH, ionic strength and soil Al pools, the trends might be positive, negative or 20 indifferent. Due to the high hydraulic connectivity with the streams, the explanations to 21 the DOC-trends in surface waters should be searched for in discharge areas and 22 peatlands. 23 24 25