Background: Thyroid disorder has been a very common problem all over the world. Thyroid problem in -thalassemia major patients are well documented. Aim of the work: The aim of this study was to find out the status of thyroid profile among the tea garden community of Assam and the effect of hemoglobinopathy and -thalassemia over it. Materials and methods: A total 265 patients belonging to the tea garden community were recruited for the study. Laboratory investigations were done for thyroid function, hemoglobin typing and complete blood count. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 21.0 and Pearson correlation and regression analysis were applied. Results: A total 36 patients were detected with thyroid dysfunction. Among these, 34 have hypothyroidism (12.8%) and 2 have hyperthyroidism (0.8%). Hemoglobinopathies and -thalassemia were detected in 181 (68.3%) of the patients. About 88% of the studied population was anemic. Female individuals were found to be more anemic than males. The study showed that there were positive correlation between Hb and TSH level (r = 0.18, P = 0.003), TSH and T4 level (r = 0.240, P<0.0001), TSH and T3 level (r = 0.383, P<0.0001). The age of the patients were correlated negatively with the T3 (r = -0.147, P = 0.017) and TSH (r = -0.157, P = 0.012) levels. Gender had a significant effect on the levels of TSH (P = 0.01) and T4 (P = 0.01). Conclusions: The present study was able to show the status of the thyroid profile among the tea garden community of Assam.Copy Right, IJAR, 2016,. All rights reserved.
Introduction:-Thyroid disorders are one of the commonest endocrine disorders worldwide. It has been estimated that about 42 million people in India are suffering from this problem. The two thyroid dysfunctions are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Subclinical hypothyroidism is a type of hypothyroidism, which is also known as mild thyroid failure. In subclinical hypothyroidism TSH levels are elevated and the total or free T4 and T3 values are normal. The overall prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism has been reported in the range of 4-10% in large general population screening surveys (Tunbridge et al., 1977;Canaris et al., 2000;Hollowell et al., 1999;Geul et al., 1993;Rivolta et al., 1999) and from 7-26% in studies of the upper age groups (Tunbridge et al.,1977;Canaris et al., 2000;Hollowell et al., 1999;Bagchi et al., 1990;Sawin et al., 1979;Lindeman et al., 1999;Hak et al., 2000;Rosenthal et al., 1987;Parle et al., 1991). Central hypothyroidism is an another type of hypothyroidism, which is characterized by a defect of thyroid hormone production due to insufficient stimulation by TSH of an otherwise normal thyroid gland (Hak et al., 2000;Rosenthal et al., 1987;Parle et al., 1991;Yamada and Mori 2008). Globally 2-5% prevalence of hypothyroidism has been reported (Lania et al., 2008). Anemia is a common symptom among the individuals affected with hypothyroidism. It is reported in 20-60% of the patients with hypothyroidism (Rose 2001; ISSN 2320-5407 International Journa...