Natural encoding is interactive process between a source of a natural energy and its receptor where the energy erases entropy of the interacting process i mpulse s e ncoding the process i mpulses in information bits.Standard unit of information Bit generates natural process through discrete (yes-no) interactions, including interactive macro impulses in classical physics and elementary micro impulses in quantum interactions.Multiple interactions generate random process of interacting impulses with step-down and step-up actions.The elementary interactions of the random step-up and stepdown actions measures (yes-no) probability events according to Kolmogorov 1-0 law.In a natural interactive process, each impulse step-down action cuts the process correlation of prior interactive events. That cuts the process entropy, defined by its probability.The cutting entropy, at maximal probability, by cost of cutting energy memorizes information hidden in the correlation. Memory "freezes" the information impulse as Bit.The interactive impulse reveals information as phenomenon of interaction.Each interval of interaction, holding needed quantity and quality of energy, naturally extracts its Bit and encodes information in the interacting physical state (by the impulse step-up action) carrying the energy cost. .The interacting actions curve impulse whose curvature creates asymmetry and allows encoding logical qubits in memorized bit. The asymmetry lowers cost of energy needed for memorizing bit.The impulse sequential natural encoding merges memory with the time of memorizing information and compensates the cutting cost by running time intervals of encoding in information process.The information process, preserving the invariant impulse cutting information, binds the impulse' inner reversible microprocesses in the multiple impulses of the macroprocess' information irreversible dynamics.The encoding process describes information path functional integrating the receptor geometrical cellular information structure in a rotating code helix that composes the sequencing cells bits. This natural encoding satisfies Landauer principle and compensates for the cost of Maxwell Demon.The quantity and quality energy of specific interaction necessary for natural encoding limits the universal code length and density.The applied entropy and information path integrals measure the natural interacting process on its micro and macro trajectories.The applied Jarzynski equation describes stochastic thermodynamics within the impulse microprocess (quantum) and connects this equation with information measure in the encoding.The thermodynamics of curved impulses on the rotating microprocess trajectories describe forming physical micro units encoding qubits, bits.The increasing correlation connections of interacting events speeds their time course, while decreasing correlation slowing their time course. The time correlated entangled states stay coupled forever.The relative moving information receptor possesses both relative encoding and attractive curved gravit...