Long time-lapse, diffraction-unlimited super-resolution imaging of cellular structures and organelles in living cells is highly challenging, as it requires dense labeling, bright, highly photostable dyes, and non-toxic conditions. We developed a set of high-density, environment-sensitive (HIDE) membrane probes based on HMSiR that assemble in situ and enable long time-lapse, live cell nanoscopy of discrete cellular structures and organelles with high spatio-temporal resolution. HIDE-enabled nanoscopy movies are up to 50x longer than movies obtained with labeled proteins, reveal the 2D dynamics of the mitochondria, plasma membrane, and filopodia, and the 2D and 3D dynamics of the endoplasmic reticulum in living cells. These new HIDE probes also facilitate the acquisition of live cell, two-color, super-resolution images, greatly expanding the utility of nanoscopy to visualize processes and structures in living cells.