Dedicated to Professor Josef Breu on the occasion of his 60 th birthday.The isostructural series (Ga,In)Pd 2 and (In,Sn)Pd 2 have been established and characterised. Together with the recently discovered isostructural series (Ga,Sn)Pd 2 , they form a triangle along the edges of which electronic, structural and the combination thereof on chemical and physical properties can be explored, e. g. in heterogeneous catalysis. Single-phase ternary samples of the Ga 1-x In x Pd 2 and In 1-x Sn x Pd 2 series are synthesised with x = 0.1 substitution steps. Metallography and powder X-ray diffraction are utilised to establish the phase composition of the samples and to determine how the lattice parameters vary with composition. In both isotructural series, the total volume of the unit cell increases linearly with the substitution degree x. The isostructural triangle thus constitutes an excellent material platform for decoupling electronic and structural effects, namely in catalysis, where the combination of both effects usually obscures their individual influence due to their coexistence in multimetallic catalytic materials.