Since a method was established by Wisseman et al. (1951) for obtaining rickettsiae in a purified state almost free from contamination of yolk sac material, a considerable amount of information has been accumulated concerning the metabolic activities of this group of parasites.The oxidation of various respiratory substrates was discovered in Rickettsia prowazeki and R. mooseri (Bovarnick and Snyder, 1949;Bovarnick and Miller, 1950;Wisseman et al., 1951 Wisseman et al., , 1952. The transamination and oxidative phosphorylation were demonst rated in the above mentioned typhus rickettsiae and in Rickettsia rickettsi (Bovarnick, 1956;Hopps et al., 1956;Price, 1953). Recently, Hays et al. (1957) have demonstrated the oxido-reductive activity of the cytochrome system in R. mooseri by the aid of the sensitive spectrophotometric method originally developed by Chance.Among the numerous difficulties encountered in this line of approach, the most serious are perhaps the extremely poor yield usually encountered in the purification of rikettsiae, and the fast unavoidable contamination of yolk sac components in the final rickettsial preparation. These difficulties are indeed doubled by the circumstance that the available methods of handling rikettsiae are very limited, because of their fragility towards some of the procedures ordinarily adopted in preparation of biological materials.In the present study, an attempt was made to improve the purification method, using an ion-exchange resin instead of celite to remove yolk sac materials (Yamamoto and Kawamura, 1958). A colorimetric method was also developed to determine the dehydro genase activities with as small quantities as possible of purified rickettsiae thus obtained.The presence of various dehydrogenases in R. mooseri were revealed by this method, with 2, 6-dichlorophenol indophenol (2,6 DPIP) as hydrogen acceptor. The effects of various poisons and the immune sera on the dehydrogenase activity were also investigated. The experimental results obtained will be briefly described in the following.