Abstract-Serum creatinine, a surrogate for both renal function and homocysteine generation, is a determinant of fasting plasma total homocysteine levels in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. We hypothesized that among stable-CAD patients with normal creatinine levels (ie, Յ1.4 mg/dL), serum cystatin C, a more sensitive indicator of glomerular filtration rate, would better predict fasting total homocysteine levels in comparison with serum creatinine. Fasting plasma total homocysteine, folate, vitamin B 12 , and pyridoxal 5Ј-phosphate levels, along with serum cystatin C, creatinine, and albumin levels, were determined in 164 consecutive stable-CAD patients (meanϮSD age, 61Ϯ9 years; 78.7% men) whose serum creatinine level was Յ1.4 mg/dL. All subjects were examined at least 3 to 4 months after the widespread availability of cereal grain flour products fortified with folic acid. General linear modeling with ANCOVA revealed that serum cystatin C (PϽ0.001), B 12 (PϽ0.001), age (Pϭ0.002), albumin (Pϭ0.008), and sex (Pϭ0.024) were independent determinants of fasting total homocysteine levels. Cystatin C alone determined over half of the variability (ie, R 2 ) in total homocysteine levels accounted for by these 5 independent regressors. In contrast, creatinine, folate, and pyridoxal 5Ј-phosphate were not independently predictive of fasting total homocysteine levels (PϾ0.2). Consistent with the impact of folic acid fortification of cereal grain flour in the general population, only 1 of the CAD subjects (0.6%) had a plasma folate level Ͻ3 ng/mL. We conclude that serum cystatin C levels may reflect subtle decreases in renal function that independently predict fasting total homocysteine levels among stable-CAD patients with normal serum creatinine. Key Words: coronary arteriosclerosis Ⅲ renal function Ⅲ homocysteine Ⅲ determinants P ooled observational data strongly suggest that mild hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). 1,2 Creatinine, a surrogate for both glomerular filtration rate 3 and homocysteine (Hcy) generation, 4 is a significant determinant of total homocysteine (tHcy) levels in CAD 5,6 and general populations. 7 Systemic arteriosclerosis 8 and clinical 9 as well as subclinical CAD 10 have been associated with nephrosclerosis, specifically, renal arteriolar hyalinization. 8 -10 In cross-sectional analyses, creatinine may be a relatively insensitive marker of the mildly to moderately reduced glomerular filtration rates 11 likely to be encountered among CAD patients with subclinical nephrosclerosis.Cystatin C is a nonglycosylated 13-kDa basic protein produced at a stable rate by all investigated nucleated cells and whose serum concentration is primarily determined by the glomerular filtration rate. 12 Consistent investigations now clearly indicate that serum cystatin C is superior to serum creatinine for the detection of early decreases in glomerular filtration rate. [13][14][15] There is a strong, independent (inverse) association between glomerular filtration ra...