1968Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy. 15 4 3 2 , A.K +A_K +A_K +A,K+A^ E = -J --i ± y.) (45) K CgK +C2K +C,K+Cq with the coefficients Ai and Ci defined as follows; = -ito (p+p') (ym+y'ra') / A^ = [4yy'mm'-iw(y+y')(p+p')], A^ = 4(y^m+y ^m ), A^ = [4yy'+ i^(y'm'+ym) ] , ^4 = CQ = (p+p'), Ci = i(y'm'+ym), C; = ^^W+V'), and 2 C3 = -Y/O) . This formula involves no approximations, and covers the entire range of E. Let us consider equation 44 for the case E-»-N, and solve the equation for y. This leads to the following formula : GVAL GVAL (see Figure 5, Appendix B) was written to generate interfacial tension values at arbitrary voltages from coefficients of a polynomial fit to electrocapillary curves produced by a program, ECl, written by D. Broadhead^. The procedure used was to input interfacial tensionvoltage values into ECl, and then take the polynomial fit from this program into GVAL, which will then calculate Y values at any voltage desired. The program was written because some of the reference interfacial tension values were measured at 100 mv. intervals, while during much of the interfacial ripple experimentation, the data were measured at 25 mv. intervals. CALB CALB (see Figure 6, Appendix B) was programmed to fit the ripple generator amplitude response at constant electrical input-frequency data, and to generate coefficients from this fit. The main purpose of the program was to catalogue and arrange amplitude-frequency data to be fed into sub routine OPLSPA. This subroutine, available at the ISU computer library, is written to take an array of dependent ^D. Brcadhead, unpublished results.