Frames provide unconditional basis-like, but generally nonunique, representations of vectors in a Hilbert space H . The redundancy of frame expansions allows the flexibility of choosing different dual sequences to employ in frame representations. In particular, oblique duals, Type I duals, and Type II duals have been introduced in the literature because of the special properties that they possess. A Type I dual is a dual such that the range of its synthesis operator is contained in the range of the synthesis operator of the original frame sequence, and a Type II dual is a dual such that the range of its analysis operator is contained in the range of the analysis operator of the original frame sequence. This paper proves that all Type I and Type II duals are oblique duals, but not conversely, and characterizes the existence of oblique and Type II duals in terms of direct sum decompositions of H , as well as characterizing when the Type I, Type II, and oblique duals will be unique. These results are also applied to the case of shift-generated sequences that are frames for shift-invariant subspaces of L 2 (R d ).