Broyden's method is a general method commonly used for nonlinear systems of equations, when very little information is available about the problem. We develop an approach based on Broyden's method for nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Our approach is designed for problems where the evaluation of a matrix vector product is computationally expensive, essentially as expensive as solving the corresponding linear system of equations. We show how the structure of the Jacobian matrix can be incorporated into the algorithm to improve convergence. The algorithm exhibits local superlinear convergence for simple eigenvalues, and we characterize the convergence. We show how deflation can be integrated and combined such that the method can be used to compute several eigenvalues. A specific problem in machine tool milling, coupled with a PDE is used to illustrate the approach. The simulations are done in the julia programming language, and are provided as publicly available module for reproducability.(2.1)where the next approximation is computed with a damped update equationThe choice of the damping parameter γ k will be tuned to our setting, essentially to avoid taking too large steps (as we shall further describe in Remark 3.3). The next matrix J k+1 will satisfy (what is commonly called) the secant conditionwhere J k+1 is a rank-one modification of J k . We will focus on updates of the form,(2.4) J k+1 = J k + 1 ∆x k 2 z k+1 ∆x H .