ABSTRAKOptimalisasi lama waktu penggemukan perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan peternak. Suatu penelitian survei telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis kurun waktu mencapai optimum dan hubungannya dengan pendapatan pada usaha penggemukan sapi potong persilangan Simmental dan Peranakan Ongole (Simpo). Penelitian ini melibatkan 50 peternak sebagai responden yang dipilih secara purposive berdasar beberapa kriteria, yaitu peternak dengan pengalaman minimal 5 tahun, skala usaha 1-3 ekor dan bobot sapi peliharaan berkisar 250 -350 kg/ekor. Data diambil secara cross section dan time series tiap bulan selama 3 bulan, meliputi data identititas responden, keadaan usaha ternak, input usaha, bobot ternak, harga input dan output. Data dianalisis menggunakan model regresi data gabungan. Kurun waktu optimum dihitung menggunakan fungsi profit per waktu dengan input yang dikonversi ke fungsi waktu. Biaya dan penerimaan usaha semua diperhitungkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kurun waktu mencapai optimum usaha penggemukan sapi potong Simpo adalah 1,50 bulan dari sapi umur 16,67 bulan. Besarnya biaya total, penerimaan dan pendapatan usaha pada kurun waktu optimum, berturut-turut adalah Rp 7.161.740,00; Rp 7.797.100,00 dan Rp 635.350,00. Biaya total, penerimaan dan pendapatan per kg bobot hidup pada kurun waktu optimum berturut-turut adalah Rp 23.247,00; Rp 25.157,00; Rp 1.910,00.Kata kunci : penggemukan sapi potong, pendapatan, kurun waktu optimum
ABSTRACTOptimizing the length of raising time in cattle fattening business should be applied to increase farmers' income. A survey research was carried out to analyze the optimum raising duration and its relationship with income in the business of Simmental -Ongole Grade crossbred (SOG) beef cattle fattening. This research involved 50 farmers chosen purposively as respondents based on some specific criteria, i.e. the farmers had been experienced at least for 5 years, the business scale was 1 -3 bulls and the cattle's live weight was around 250 -350 kg. Data were taken by cross section and time series for 3 months, covering respondents' identity, cattle business condition, business inputs, cattle's weight, input and output prices. The data were analyzed using combined data regression model. The optimum raising duration was calculated using profit function per time, while the inputs were converted into time function. All of the costs and incomes of business were calculated. The results showed that the optimum raising duration of SOG beef cattle fattening was reached at the 1.5 months from the cattle aging 16.67 months old. The amount of the total cost, revenue and income in the optimum raising duration were IDR 7,161,740.00; IDR 7,797,100.00 and IDR 635,350.00, respectively. The amount of the cost, revenue and income in the optimum raising duration per kg of cattle live weight, were IDR 23,247.00; IDR 25,157.00 and IDR 1,910.00, respectively.