Investigation of the stress state of the metal frame of a ribbed-ring dome, when the number of supporting columns under it is gradually reduced. With that, the same distances or steps between the columns are maintained along the entire contour of the support ring. The main elements of the dome frame and columns are made of steel I-beams. Frames, the domes of which are supported by a different number of cyclically symmetrical columns, were considered as subjects of research. All the domes are characterized by the same geometric structure and size, the same cross sections of the same type of frame elements and are exposed to the same loads. The research was carried out on computer models by calculating the combined effect of the load from the weight of load-bearing and enclosing structures and an asymmetric snow load. The models with a reduced number of columns are obtained by regularly removing them from the original computer model. During the analysis, the stresses in the elements of the frames of all models were determined, which were compared with each other. Deformation graphs and comparative diagrams of the stress state relationships of the frame elements of the original and transformed models are obtained. An assessment of the change in the stress state of the ribbed-ring dome frame with a decrease in the number of columns is given. Significant changes in the stress state of the support ring were noted.