The microstructure and creep properties of platinum group metal (PGM) modified nickel based superalloys have been investigated. Alloys containing Pt and/or Ir along with variations in Cr, Ta, Re, Ru, and W exhibited relatively high solidus and liquidus temperatures. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) showed a strong dependence of the γ´ solvus on the level of Ta. The morphology of the γ´ precipitates was influenced by the presence of Cr, Ta, Ru, and W and ranged from cuboidal to semi-spherical. Compression creep tests were conducted at 1000°C at stresses ranging from 40-90 MPa. Alloys containing approximately 8 wt% Pt combined with Cr and Ta displayed the best resistance to creep deformation at stresses around 80 MPa. Post-creep analysis of the rafted structures indicated that all PGM modified alloys without Ru and W possessed positive misfit with magnitudes ranging from ≈ 0.3 to 1.5%. The partitioning of PGMs between the γ and γ´ phases and their resultant influence on creep performance is discussed.