Ferritins managing iron-oxygen biochemistry in animals, plants, and microorganisms belong to the diiron carboxylate protein family and concentrate iron as ferric oxide Ϸ10 14 times above the ferric Ks. Ferritin iron (up to 4,500 atoms), used for iron cofactors and heme, or to trap DNA-damaging oxidants in microorganisms, is concentrated in the protein nanocage cavity (5-8 nm) formed during assembly of polypeptide subunits, 24 in maxiferritins and 12 in miniferritins͞DNA protection during starvation proteins. I ron and oxygen are integral to life, but their chemistry requires many proteins with iron cofactors to harness them for respiration, photosynthesis, and DNA synthesis, while minimizing radical side reactions. Ferritins, cage-like nanoproteins, concentrate iron for cofactor synthesis, as a mineral (hydrated ferric oxide), in large, central cavities (5-8 nm). Ferritin nanocavities form during the spontaneous assembly of ellipsoidal, polypeptide subunits (1-3), 24 in maxiferritins (Ϸ480 kDa) and 12 in miniferritins (240 kDa), also called DNA protection during starvation proteins. The biological importance of ferritin is emphasized by the lethality of ferritin gene deletion in mammals (4), defects in the CNS from mutations in humans (5), and oxidant sensitivity after deletions of the multiple ferritins in bacteria (6)(7)(8). Reactions of iron and oxygen catalyzed by maxiferritins, in cells of higher plants, animals including humans, and microorganisms, stabilize iron with oxygen at 10 14 times above the K s to match cellular iron concentrations, whereas miniferritins protect DNA by trapping oxidants with iron in the hydrated ferric oxide mineral.Catalytic ferroxidase (F ox ) sites in ferritin catalyze the first in the series of reactions converting soluble ferrous ions to solid, concentrated ferric biomineral inside ferritin. The location of F ox sites in ferritin has been inferred to be in the center of each active subunit for maxiferritins and at junctions of subunit dimers in miniferritins, based on models of protein cocrystals with Fe 2ϩ analogues such as Mg 2ϩ or Ca 2ϩ (7-13). Such models are reasonable for the ferrous substrate, but not for ferric intermediates such as the diferric peroxo (DFP) complex or products such as diferric oxo͞hydroxo mineral precursors. There are at least four types of metal-protein sites in ferritin (iron entry, exit, nucleation, and F ox substrate). Thus, a number of assumptions are required if a crystal-metal site is assigned to one of the multiple, iron-dependent ferritin functions. Even when two Mg 2ϩ or two Ca 2ϩ ions are relatively near each other in ferritin cocrystals, the metal-metal distances in the models were much longer than the Fe 3ϩ -Fe 3ϩ distance in the functional DFP intermediate, determined by extended x-ray absorption fine structure analysis in solution (11,12,14). F ox site models have also relied on analogies to iron sites of other diiron carboxylate family members that form DFP intermediates (15-17), even when iron is a cofactor and contrasts with ferriti...