“…There is now a small but growing literature addressing the complex question of how environmentalists are perceived. What previous research shows is that pro-environmental behaviors and attitudes may be able to convey information about a person's social status (Brooks & Wilson, 2015;Puska, Kurki, Lähdesmäki, Siltaoja, & Luomala, 2016;Sadalla & Krull, 1995;Skippon, Kinnear, Lloyd, & Stannard, 2016; but see Berger, 2017;Welte & Anastasio, 2010), trustworthiness (Fehrler & Kosfeld, 2013; but see Berger, 2017;Puska et al, 2016), and certain personality traits like conscientiousness, agreeableness, and altruism (Puska et al, 2016;Skippon & Garwood, 2011;Skippon et al, 2016). While existing research shows much promise, it has at least two limitations the present work attempts to address.…”