1Hypothalamic content of enkephalin in rats has been measured by bioassay against methionineenkephalin on field-stimulated mouse vas deferens after acid extraction and purification using Amberlite XAD-2 resin. 2 Surgical stress lowered hypothalamic enkephalin content initially but 6 days after operation the content was higher in sham-operated than in adrenalectomized animals. 3 Corticosteroid replacement therapy showed that hypothalamic enkephalin content was not related directly to circulating corticosteroid levels and that it was increased by the stress of handling and injection.4 Hypothalamic enkephalin content of rats that had undergone hypophysectomy 11 days earlier did not differ from that of intact animals but surgical stress, which lowered content in intact rats and had no effect after adrenalectomy, produced a rise in content in these hypophysectomized animals.5 The ingestion of 0.9% saline, in place of water, by sham-adrenalectomized rats altered the effect of surgical stress on hypothalamic enkephalin content without affecting the resting levels. 6 Of extracts from adrenalectomized rats, 10% contained a substance that behaved atypically on the mouse vas deferens. showing a slower onset and offset of action. The mol. wt. of the substance and sensitivity to naloxone reversal appeared to be similar to enkephalin, but it was resistant to carboxypeptidase-A and protease treatment. 7 It is concluded that the enkephalin content of the hypothalamus is affected by activity in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system but that it is not related in a simple manner to the levels of corticotrophin releasing hormone, corticotrophin or corticosteroids.
IntroductionEnkephalins appear to be neurotransmitters in the brain (Hughes, 1979) and their involvement in the control of the endocrine system is suggested by the ability of morphine to affect anterior pituitary function (George, 1971). There is direct evidence that methionine-enkephalin is capable of increasing plasma concentrations of prolactin (Lien, Fenichel, Garsky, Sarantakis & Grant, 1976) and growth hormone (Dupont, Cusan, Garson, Labrie & Li, 1977) whilst it lowers those of luteinizing hormone and thyrotrophin (Bruni, Van Vugt, Marshall & Meites, 1977). That enkephalins might also be involved in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system is suggested by the enhancement of the corticosterone response to ether stress produced by the intracerebroventricular administration of methionineenkephalin to mice (Gibson, Ginsburg, Hall & Hart, 1979b).Morphine is considered to affect the HPA system by an action in the hypothalamus (George & Way, 1959;Lotti, Kokka & George, 1969). The high content of opioid receptors (Kuhar, Pert & Snyder, 1973) and enkephalin-like immunoreactive material (Elde, Hokfelt, Johanssen & Terenius, 1976) (Table 1). Hypothalami were removed from rats at different times during the day but although the enkephalin content rose between 09 h 30 min and 16 h 00 min the change was not significant. The results in Table I show that there was no...