his widl;w ( 1\ lrs. George Cornwallis \ Vest, as she became) , 3 7 Church land, in Spain, 101-02, 122 n. 10 Church of England, social composition of bench of bishops, 38 Coats, Thomas, 33 Comices agrico/es, 136 Comillas, marquis of, 107, 122 n. 6 Commissions, on noble affairs in Russia, 99 Commons, House of, social composi tion, 24-25 Compadrazgo, in Spain, I 16 ComparatiYe history, differing kinds of, 1-2 Consei/s ge11era11x, 14-15, 133-34 Conserrnti,•e party, in England, social composition of leadership,