Optical applications of colloidal oxide nanoparticles
are often
limited by low luminescence efficiencies caused by poor crystallinity
and surface quenching. Bulk oxides prepared via conventional high-temperature
annealing offer intense luminescence but commonly fail to yield stable
colloidal dispersions. Coupling the best of these two situations to
afford highly crystalline, dispersible nanoparticles with luminescence
performance exceeding that of bulk solids is still challenging, thus
requiring new, safe, scalable, and reproducible methodologies. Herein,
we report a silicate-coating strategy followed by aggregate elimination
to recover stable colloids of 40–150 nm single crystalline
rare earth vanadates after unprotected annealing (800–1000
°C). Eu3+-doped nanoparticles showed enhanced photostability
and ∼50% emission quantum yields in water (λexc = 280 nm), while Dy3+-, Tm3+-, and Yb3+/Er3+-doped vanadates provided remarkably intense
multicolor emissions via downshift or upconversion luminescence. We
correlated the spectroscopic properties of pristine and annealed solids
to microstructural characteristics to explain the superior emission
features, opening new perspectives for sensing applications.