Flutter, an aeroelastic blade vibration phenomena, experienced by the fan of an developmental aero gas turbine engine, result in blade failure. Hence, suitable flutter detection instrumentation is required during engine testing. Flutter signature capture from revolving blades is a challenging task that necessitates either a complicated strain gauge-based rotating instrumentation or a noncontact tip timing system. Authors investigated a unique way for identifying, measuring, and validating flutter signature by assessing wall static pressure pulsations produced during blade tip transit across a casing mounted high bandwidth sensor during this research. The authors devised a mathematical model to explain signal spectrum components that feature both amplitude and angle modulation properties at the same time. The theory was tested using first-stage fan rotor blades that were fluttering in the first flexural mode (1F) and forming the second nodal diameter (2ND). The approach’s estimated blade deflection was compared to measurements taken using a traditional tip timing method up to 7 mm and determined to be within 1% inaccuracy. This research provides a low-cost, easy alternative technique for measuring flutter during engine development testing.