Pan-entertainment live streaming combines video with two-way communication and real-time viewer participation, allowing viewers to send virtual gifts to their favorite streamers. Drawing on social exchange theory, this study investigates the factors that influence viewers’ gift-giving intentions in live streaming from the perspectives of both viewers and streamers. It also explores the moderating role of streamers’ deceptive self-presentation. The theoretical framework is tested using AMOS and PROCESS Macro based on survey responses collected from 331 TikTok users in China. The results suggest that streamers’ attractiveness, expertise, parasocial interaction, and the viewers’ deceptive self-presentation significantly affect viewers’ gift-giving intention, and that streamers’ deceptive self-representation moderates the relationship between attractiveness, expertise, parasocial inter-action and the viewer’s consumer intention. These findings contribute to social exchange theory by highlighting the importance of streamers’ deceptive self-presentation in moderating the effects of attractiveness, expertise, parasocial interaction, and the viewer’s deceptive self-presentation on the viewer’s gift-giving intention.