Distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0).My warmest thanks go to my supervisors Dr. Denis Dennehy, Professor Gareth Davies and Professor Mike Williams for their enduring support and guidance. Their expertise and advice have shaped each stage of this project. This PhD would not have been possible without Marc Clement who provided me with this incredible opportunity, I will be forever grateful (diolch yn fawr iawn). I wish to thank the Viva panel Professor Duncan Lewis and Dr. Constantine Manolchev for their valuable comments and suggestions.I would like to thank Luciana Rousseau who was a wonderful collaborator and provided valuable insights from the recruitment industry. I wish to thank the company in this study for allowing me access to their staff and the chance to experience of their world. I'm extremely grateful to every person who took part in this study.The process of earning a doctorate is a team sport and not done in isolation, to this end I would like to thank the staff affiliated with the Counselling and Psychology programme at UWTSD. Their hard work and passion gave me the inspiration to chart a course in academia. I am extremely grateful to Swansea University for enabling me to do a PhD alongside my role. It not lost on me how fortunate I am to be surrounded by dedicated and insightful colleagues, many of whom have offered sound advice and words of encouragement throughout this experience. In particular, Professor Paul Jones, Dr. Simon Brooks (for the 'pep' talks), Sarah Warren for keeping me on the straight and narrow, Dr. Charlie Brilliant for helping to unravel the mysteries of advanced SPSS and to Dr. Ransome Bawack (Audencia Business School) for his valuable feedback and advice. I give special thanks to my Mam and Dad who have always been my hero's and inspiration. I know I worried you there for a while, but it all turned out alright in the end. Sorry you didn't get to see me graduate Dad, but I hope I made you proud along the way. Thank you to Mr. B for always being by my side and dealing with so much in my absence, you have been my rock (we can finally go on holiday). Finally, thank you to the rest of my wonderful family and dear friends who were a constant source of support, reassurance and understanding. You can stop asking me "how's the PhD going?" now. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .