Monazite(LaPO 4 -coated alumina-®ber/alumina-matrix composites were fabricated by hot-pressing, and eects of sintering temperature, sintering time, applied load and ®ber volume fraction on mechanical properties of composites were examined. Better ®ber debonding of coated ®ber than that of non-coated ®ber in the composites was observed. All composites using coated ®bers showed non-catastrophic failure when hot-pressed under 40 MPa for 1 h below 1250 C, but failure behavior of the composite changed into completely brittle over this temperature. Higher sintering temperature, pressure and longer sintering time corresponded to higher bulk density as well as higher fracture strength, while pseudo-ductility of the composites was reduced with increasing sintering temperature. Increase of hot-pressing pressure and time did not cause a signi®cant ductility reduction of the composites except for increase in bonding of ®ber-cloths with matrix sheets. Maximum fracture strength, bulk density and pseudo-ductility of the composites obviously increased with increasing ®ber volume fraction under the present hot-pressing condition.