Cognitive Dimensions framework is a useful tool with which the usability of information artifact can be evaluated. We have used this frame work to evaluate the usability of Z formalism in TranZit environment. The target group for this usability exercise were beginners of formal specifications in Z. A number of deficiencies due to notational issues and others due to the conceptual issues were identified. Many of these deficiencies can be easily rectified, however, Z notation is already established and therefore can not be altered but the TranZit environment can change in order to enhance the usability of Z formalism. In the context of formal specification, Cognitive Dimensions proved to be an effective framework as it raised the issue of support required for exploratory design as well as general improvement on the usability issues.
KeywordsZ formalism, formal specification, cognitive dimensions, usability, TranZit environment. model schema (represented as a box) is named 'School'. The schema contains a declaration of the variables (using