Dry matter yield, and its distribution in the successive regrowth cycles of the sward under 4-, 6-and 8-week defoliation frequencies. . .
2aWeekly accumulated growing degrees and weekly accumulated rainfall during each regrowth cycle under a 4-week defoliation frequency . .
2bWeekly accumulated growing degrees and weekly accumulated rainfall during each regrowth cycle under a 6-week defoliation frequency . .
2cWeekly accumulated growing degrees and weekly accumulated rainfall during each regrowth cycle under 8-week defoliation frequency ... 3a Accumulated dry matter yield from the 4-week defoliation frequency 3b Accumulated dry matter yield from the 6-week defoliation frequency 3c Accumulated dry matter yield from the 8-week defoliation frequency 4 Prediction equations for dry matter yield for each regrowth cycles .
5Relative growth rate, relative leaf growth rate, and the ratio RGR/RLGR for every week in the regrowth cycles A2 ,