In 1911 Loeb and Beutner concluded from experiments on the concentration potentials of the apple-skin that it is specifically permeable for cations. Since then electromotive forces produced by living membranes and organs in contact with salt solutions have often been used in analysing living membranes. In particular Osterhout has succeeded in elucidating the fine structure of the membrane of large plant cells by potentiometric analysis, while H~iber (1926) and others investigated the ion permeability of animal membranes. In spite of such important results, it is not yet quite clear, whether the cation or anion selectivity which can be deduced directly from the measured potential is due to the sieve structure of the membrane or its charge or its specific dissolving power, or to all these factors taken together. A more detailed analysis of these properties will therefore be possible only if it is based on quantitative relations between the measured potential and those properties of the membrane or of the living tissue which influence the passage of ions. In order to make a survey of all these factors it seems reasonable to visualize first of all the molecular structure of living membranes.Living membranes, or any other living matter, can be considered as a network of flexible primary valence chains, in particular protein chains (K. H. Meyer, 1928Meyer, , 1929 Seifriz, 1928). These chains are interlinked at definite places by secondary valences or cross-linkings, called by us "regions of contact" (ltaftstellen) and later by Frey-Wyssling (1938) "points of contact" (11aftpunkte).Intracellular fluid, ions, lipoids, and soluble globular proteins are located inside this network. The lipoids are mostly linked to apolar groups of the protein chains, for which the term lipophilic groupswas proposed, while the hydrophilic groups of the chains are surrounded by water or aqueous cellular liquid and the ionised groups, e.g. --COO-groups, are neutralised by mobile "counter-ions."A natural membrane can moreover consist of layers of different composition under which lipoid layers can exist, and these layers can in turn be formed of areas of different properties like a mosaic.
Calculation of the Membrane PotentialIf a membrane, i.e. a layer of any kind separates two solutions of a binary electrolyte, an electromotive force E results from diffusion of the two solutions 353