The evolution of diesel fuel injection technology, to facilitate strong correlations of in-cylinder spray propagation with injection conditions and injector geometry, is crucial in facing emission challenges. More observations of spray propagation are, therefore, required to provide valuable information on how to ensure that all the injected fuel has maximum contact with the available air, to promote complete combustion and reduce emissions. In this study, high pressure diesel fuel sprays are injected into a constant-volume chamber at injection and ambient pressure values typical of current diesel engines. For these types of sprays the maximum fuel liquid phase penetration is different and reached sooner than the maximum fuel vapour phase penetration. Thus, the vapour fuel could reach the combustion chamber wall and could be convected and deflected by swirling air. In hot combustion chambers this impingement can be acceptable but this might be less so in larger combustion chambers with cold walls. The fuel-ambient mixture in vapourized fuel spray jets is essential to the efficient performance of these engines. For this work, the fuel vapour penetration values are presented for fuel injectors of different k-factors. The results indicate that the geometry of fuel injectors based on the k-factors appear to affect the vapour phase penetration more than the liquid phase penetration. This is a consequence of the effects of the injector types on the exit velocity of the fuel droplets.
KeywordVapour, spray, k-factor, shadowgraph.
IntroductionSpray formation occurs with the introduction of liquid into a gaseous environment through an orifice such that the liquid breaks-up into droplets by interacting with the surrounding gases and causing its own unsteadiness [3]. For diesel engines, spray characteristics (liquid/vapour penetration and distribution) significantly affect the combustion and emission processes. By optimizing these characteristics, the tailpipe emissions, mainly oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and partciculate matter (PM), can be minimized [2]. Spray penetration, which is usually analysed macroscopically, considers the development of the liquid and vapour components. It is desirable to achieve optimal travel of these spray components to avoid the adverse effects of impingement caused by under/overpenetration of liquid spray [19,20]. Advances in fuel injection system, with the introduction of the common rail technology, have provided increased controllability of the injection event. The analyses of injection system development have been presented from several viewpoints. Nozzle geometry has been studied for the influence on the internal flow and spray characteristics with respect to: atomization [4,5], mixing processes [6,7], emission [9,10] and cavitation [8,13]. Different injection strategies have been investigated to show the effect on pollutant emissions [2,3]. Specific studies have also been conducted with conical and cylindrical nozzles [11,12], and to develop more understanding on the effects of nozzl...