“…Perhaps the most striking feature of these results is that the relationship between e¡ect size and the year of publication is contingent upon whether or not a parasiteinduced modi¢cation of host behaviour can be adaptive Bethel & Holmes (1973), (6) Moore (1983b), (7) Brown & Thompson (1986), (8) Moore et al (1994), (9) Daniels (1985), (10) Townson (1970), (11) WÏlker (1985), (12) Rowland & Lindsay (1986), (13) Benton & Pritchard (1990), (14) Moore & Lasswell (1986), (15) Vance (1996), (16) McNair & Timmons (1977), (17) Rau (1983), (18) Hay & Aitken (1984), (19) Saumier et al (1988), (20) Webster (1994), (21) Cox & Holland (1998), (22) Pearre (1979), (23) Lowenberger & Rau (1994), (24) Krause & Godin (1994), (25) Hurd & Fogo (1991), (26) Poulin et al (1992), (27) Robb & Reid (1996), (28) Pasternak et al (1995), (29) Wedekind & Milinski (1996) and (30) …”