In order to promote physical activity, a healthy body, and an understanding of the importance of physical education in daily life, a high intensity interval training program was added to the Grade 12 Senior High School students at San Pedro Relocation Center National High School -Landayan Annex during P.E classes. Whether the High Intensity Internal Training program may assist students in achieving their academic goals while also assisting them in being healthier and more positive is the subject of this study.It sought to answer the following statement: The level of High Intensity Interval Training Program, the level of health-related fitness, the level of attitude in P.E classes, the significant relationship between High Intensity Interval Training Program and health related fitness and attitude of the Grade 12 students. The descriptive method was used to gather information about the relationship of High Intensity Interval Training Program to the Health-Related Fitness and Attitude in P.E of Grade 12 Students. Quantitative method was implemented in the research that uses figures and measurable forms such as questionnaires and survey assessment to determine the relationship of High Intensity Interval Training Program to the Health-Related Fitness and Attitude in P.E as judged by Grade 12 students. It is a method of studying events or data in a methodical manner. The researcher will use purposive sampling techniques in getting the respondents to determine the relationship of High Intensity Interval Training Program to the Health-Related Fitness and Attitude in P.E of Grade 12 Students. This study is implemented to Grade 12 students (36) of San Pedro Relocation Center National High School Landayan Annex during the First Semester of school year 2022-2023. The mean and standard deviation, frequency, and percentage are used to measure the level of HIIT Program, Health-Related fitness, attitude towards P.E and Spearman Rank Correlation was used to find significant relationship of High Intensity Interval Training Program to the Health-Related Fitness and Attitude in P.E of Grade 12 Students. Finding revealed the following: (1) The High Intensity Interval Training Program is effective in terms of timed intervals, workout intensity, and safety. (2) The level of the health-Related Fitness of the students Cardiovascular Endurance resulted into 38.89% Excellent, Muscular Strength resulted into 27.78% Good, Muscular Endurance resulted into 38.89% Average, and Body Composition resulted into 66.67% classified as normal.(3) Students in grade 12 have a positive attitude toward physical education, with high levels of interest, satisfaction, and comfort. Furthermore, (4) study reveals that HIIT Program has no significant correlation between health-Related Fitness and Attitude towards P.E.