The paper presents the contents of phosphorus and potassium available in soil, soil sorption properties against the activity of alkaline and acid phosphatase. The fertilisation applied involved P, K, Mg, Ca and S: (P K Mg Ca S), (K Mg Ca S), (P Mg Ca S), (P K Ca S), (P K Mg S), (P K Mg Ca) as well as nitrogen fertilisation at the following rates: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 kg N/ha. The application of high nitrogen rates with no liming applied resulted in an unfavourable increase in hydrolytic acidity and a decrease in the total bases, cation exchange capacity as well as the sorption complex saturation with bases. According to the criteria provided in PN-R-04023, the soil investigated can be classified as the 3 rd class with an average available phosphorus (P E-R ). The analysis of Luvisol salinity demonstrated that the unbalanced mineral fertilisation applied did not trigger any chemical degradation. Significant values of the coefficients of correlation were recorded between the activity of alkaline and acid phosphatase and the parameters investigated (hydrolytic acidity, total exchangeable, base stauration, P E-R ). The calculated enzymatic index of soil pH (AlP/AcP) ranged from 0.11 to 0.72.