Internal control systems in every institution in the world, determines ways of evaluating staff of the institutions. Though the strategic may differ, purposes are virtually the same. However, this study investigated the Calibre of Personnel Influence of Management's Compliance to Internal Controls at the level of Organizations and Institutions. The research design employed was characterized and analyzed the purpose of the study. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. The sample size for the study was fifty (50) participants and six (6) internal control units of management members, Junior and senior staff, respectively. Questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect data from the respondents which was analyzed to generate frequencies and percentages with the help of Microsoft Excel. The study resulted that the evaluations influence of the internal control systems on managerial tools that can be used to impact the attitudes of employees in institutions and organizations revealed that various constituents of internal control systems in the institutions and possible strategies and mechanism were placed. However, Management area involving their subordinates had a lesser attention insert and internal control systems were not motivating enough. Therefore, process of evaluation was in-effective, which had embarked influence on the Institution, and their subordinates has a lesser attention insert.