The linear thermal expansion of SrTiO3 in the temperature range 10 to 150 K is measured with a relative accuracy of 5 × 10−7 by using a three‐terminal capacitance dilatometer. The dilation δL/L of a single‐domain crystal is converted to the ratio of the pseudo‐cubic cell constants a(T)/a(Ta) by the equation a(T)/a(Ta) = (1 + (δL/L) T}/{1 + (δL/L)Ta}, where L is the specimen length, Ta is the cubic‐to‐tetragonal transition temperature and T ≦ T,. The present a(T)/a(Ta) curve shows a coincidence with the temperature dependence of cos φ between 40 and 108 K, and reveals a clear difference with it below 40 K, where. φ is the rotation angle of the TiO6 octahedra around the [001] axis. The temperature at which the dilation shows a minimum, 37.5 K, is very close to the transition point Tc = (32 ± 5) K predicted by Cowley.