The purpose of the study. Improving the results of diagnosis and surgical treatment of patients with secondary nephrolithiasis by renal parenchymal dysplasia on the background of renal failure caused in children.Material and research methods. Clinic of Pediatric Surgery, Avicenna TSMU Abualiibn Sino analyzed 34 patients with renal failure of calculous etiology. In all cases, the biopsy was taken from the cortex – medulla of the kidney during nephrotomy, and during pyelotomy from the site of the nephrostomy tube. Studies of biopsy materials were carried out in laboratorits at the departments of histology, anatomy and oncology.Research results. We analyzed the results of a morphological study of 34 patients with CKD of calculous etiology. Chronic calculous pyelonephritis was detected in 32 (94,1%) patients, in whom the diagnoses coincided with the clinical and morphological ones. Of these, dysplasia of the renal parenchyma was detected in 8 patients. In 2 patients, histological examination did not reveal structural changes, possibly a biopsy was taken from healthy areas of the kidney tissue, although clinically and laboratory 100% calculous pyelonephritis occurred.Conclusion. Thus, in case of obstructive-calculous pyelonephritis, against the background of dysplasia of the kidney parenchyma, early clinical and morphological diagnostics, radical decompressive and sanitation surgery with reliable external urine wood is restored, the process of further wrinkling of the kidney is suspended.