Objectives: To investigate latent profiles of maternal parenting behaviors (APQ) and toddlers’ self-regulation (SCRS) that influence problematic smart media use (PSMU). We explored mother-child dyads that may be vulnerable or protective toward smart media use by classifying various latent groups based on child characteristics and parenting environment.Methods: An online survey was completed with 678 mothers of 3-5-year-olds to assess toddlers’ PSMU, SCRS, and APQ. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 25.0 and latent profile analysis was conducted with Mplus 8.0. using the DU3STEP approach.Results: Toddlers' SCRS and APQ were classified into five latent profile groups: average, protective parenting, dual vulnerable, vulnerable parenting and mutual protective. Both the vulnerable parenting and dual vulnerable groups exhibited the highest levels of craving, dependence, and permission regarding PSMU, while the other three groups displayed below-average levels of PSMU. The mutual protective and protective parenting groups were the safest. The largest group was the average group, with about 42 percent of the total, and the smallest was the vulnerable parenting group, with 8.31 percent.Conclusion: A latent profile analysis revealed that APQ served as both risk and protective factors for all aspects of PSMU in toddlers. Child SCRS interacted with and was influenced by maternal influences in all dimensions of craving, dependence, and permission. Examining toddlers' PSMU in light of their interactions with their mothers suggests that not only the child but also the parenting environment should be considered.