Springtime stratospheric final warming (SFW) variability has been suggested to be linked to the tropospheric circulation, particularly over the North Atlantic sector. These findings, however, are based on reanalysis data that cover a rather short period of time (1979 to present). The present work aims to improve the understanding of drivers, trends and surface impact of dynamical variability of boreal SFWs using chemistry‐climate models. We use multidecadal integrations of the fully coupled chemistry‐climate models Community Earth System Model version 1 (Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model) and ECHAM/Modular Earth Submodel System Atmospheric Chemistry‐O. Four sensitivity experiments are analyzed to assess the impact of external factors; namely, the quasi‐biennial oscillation, sea surface temperature (SST) variability, and anthropogenic emissions. SFWs are classified into two types with respect to their vertical development; that is, events which occur first in the midstratosphere (10‐hPa first SFWs) or first in the upper stratosphere (1‐hPa first SFWs). Our results confirm previous reanalysis results regarding the differences in the time evolution of stratospheric conditions and near‐surface circulation between 10 and 1‐hPa first SFWs. Additionally, a tripolar SST pattern is, for the first time, identified over the North Atlantic in spring months related to the SFW variability. Our analysis of the influence of remote modulators on SFWs revealed that the occurrence of major warmings in the previous winter favors the occurrence of 10‐hPa first SFWs later on. We further found that quasi‐biennial oscillation and SST variability significantly affect the ratio between 1‐hPa first and 10‐hPa first SFWs. Finally, our results suggest that ozone recovery may impact the timing of the occurrence of 1‐hPa first SFWs.