Some mutations arise in association with a potential sequence donor that consists of an imperfect direct or reverse repeat. Many such mutations are complex; that is, they consist of multiple close sequence changes. Current models posit that the primer terminus of a replicating DNA molecule dissociates, reanneals with an ectopic template, extends briefly, and then returns to the cognate template, bringing with it a locally different sequence; alternatively, a hairpin structure may form the mutational intermediate when processed by mismatch repair. This process resembles replication repair, in which primer extension is blocked by a lesion in the template; in this case, the ectopic template is the other daughter strand, and the result is errorfree bypass of the lesion. We previously showed that mutations that impair replication repair can enhance templated mutagenesis. We show here that the intensity of templated mutation can be exquisitely sensitive to its local sequence, that the donor and recipient arms of an imperfect inverse repeat can exchange roles, and that double mutants carrying two alleles, each affecting both templated mutagenesis and replication repair, can have unexpected phenotypes. We also record an instance in which the mutation rates at two particular sites change concordantly with a distant sequence change, but in a manner that appears unrelated to templated mutagenesis. T EMPLATED mutations are initiated when a DNA primer strand dissociates from its cognate template and anneals with a fragment of complementary sequence in an ectopic template. The relocated primer may be extended, acquiring a short sequence that is not fully complementary to the original template, and then reanneal with its cognate template. If the acquired noncomplementary bases escape correctly oriented proofreading and mismatch repair, mutations will result. Lynn Ripley (1982) described two models for templated mutagenesis based on imperfect palindromic repeats, in one of which the ectopic template was in the other parental strand and in the other of which the ectopic template was in the daughter strand itself. Examination of other mutations added imperfect direct repeats as mutagenic templates (Ripley et al. 1986;Shinedling et al. 1987). Templated mutations are usually invoked when they simultaneously acquire multiple changes for which a plausible donor template can be found. Despite the intrinsic fascination of templated complex mutations and their potential importance for certain evolutionary paths and some human genetic disorders, the enzymology that creates them has not been characterized.Template switching also occurs in a mutation-avoiding mode called replication repair. In the canonical model for replication repair (Fujiwara and Tatsumi 1976;Higgins et al. 1976), a primer strand whose extension has been blocked by DNA damage switches to the other daughter strand as a template, extends briefly, and then switches back to its cognate template, thus accurately bypassing the damaged site.In 1987, a mechanism for su...