Impact of Website Qualities on E-satisfaction among Consumers on Saudi Online Retailers 1. Introduction E-business has progressively turn out to be a vital aspect of a corporate strategy (Davis & Comeau, 2020). Internet and information technology have made unbelievable aids to business revolution (Smith & Friedman, 2019). The indications exposed that the Internet becomes an important driver of change in numerous businesses in the former years(Soto-Acosta, Popa, & Palacios-Marqués, 2016). The online businesses deliver more contented, quicker, and wellorganized professional contract in comparison with other traditional business. One business that has been dramatically affected by the Internet is the retail industry (Bi, Davison, & Smyrnios, 2017). The Internet creates a brand-new relationship with the sellers and provides enormous opportunities for cost reduction and boost potential sales from the retail sector. It helps to customers, looking for information about products information (Alos-Simo, Verdu-Jover, & Gomez-Gras, 2017), and also compare different prices easily (Shulga et al., 2016). Customer Satisfaction has been essential in marketing due to its influence on customer retention and behavioural intention (Phuong & Dai Trang, 2018). Pandey, (2016) defined customer satisfaction as a psychological condition resulting when the emotion surrounding disconfirmed expectations is tight with the consumer's prior feelings about the consumption experience. Additionally, customer satisfaction is a sign as a generator of repeated purchasing behaviour reduces customer complaints and makes obstacles to changing to others. The other factor in a company is the quality of the site. Quality of the website helps firms acquire a loyal customer and achieve a competitive advantage (Thomas, 2016).The Importance of website quality has researched in many types of research and from other viewpoints. For example Alos-Simo et al., (2017)researched hotel website and reveal a set of features like hotel facilities, reservation info, contact info, site management are the most important in developing successful hotel websites. Additionally, the research by Ho et al., (2017) signalled information quality, security, site performance, customer relationships, responsiveness are the vital factors for an online shopping site. Those factors have a robust predictive capability concerning online customer satisfaction and loyalty (Chatzoglou & Chatzoudes, 2016). Well-designed website influences the customers' satisfaction, consumers' attitudes and expectations and motivates them to continue browsing the site. The thoughtful layout which carefully contained the customers' requirements and desires make the customers also satisfy. Satisfied customers have a substantial impact on customer loyalty (Shulga et al., 2016).