Balinese folklore is an attractive English learning medium for children. During distance learning, in several kindergartens in Singaraja, the teachers provided illustrated storybooks to children, in the form of Balinese folklore as reading material at home for the introduction of English as a foreign language. This study aims to describe the stages of introducing English to early childhood through Balinese folklore Picture Books during distance learning in Singaraja, Bali. As well as describing how early childhood vocabulary development in the introduction of English as a foreign language through Balinese Folklore Picture Books during distance learning in Singaraja Bali. The research was designed using a qualitative approach. The data was the children in three kindergartens in Singaraja Bali, amounting to 34 children who were taken randomly. Supporting data is also obtained from the teachers and parents of the child as additional data. The data were collected through observation, interview, and questionnaire then analyzed qualitatively. The result showed that the stages of introducing English as a foreign language were initiated by compiling a weekly learning plan containing collaborative activities between children and parents. By giving Balinese Folklore picture books written in English, both printed and digital. Then given training in the form of matching pictures with vocabulary, mentioning story characters, and finding moral values that can be taken from the stories. The development of children's vocabulary in English can develop properly where children were able to mention some vocabularies in English and also children are motivated to increase their enthusiasm for learning English during distance learning.