“…However, this technique cannot be used to determine the concentration of N( 4 S) during the discharge. 1 Postdoctoral Fellow, ciprian.dumitrache@centralesupelec.fr, AIAA Member 2 PhD Student, arnaud.gallant@centralesupelec.fr 3 Professor, gabi-daniel.stancu@centralesupelec.fr 4 Professor, chirstophe.laux@centralesupelec.fr, AIAA Associate Fellow The main goal of this work is to present a new diagnostic technique, based on femtosecond two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence (fs-TALIF), that enables spatially and temporally resolved measurements of ground-state population of atomic nitrogen in an NRP discharge at high pressures (p ≥ 1 bar). The first nitrogen TALIF experiment was performed by Bischel et al 10 inside a flow discharge in which atomic nitrogen was obtained by N2 dissociation in a He+SF6 buffer gas mixture at ~10 Torr.…”