Abstract. We succeeded in noninvasively analyzing the distribution of tetraploid (4n) cells in tetraploid↔diploid (4n↔2n) chimeric embryos by using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic (Tg) mouse embryos. We also evaluated whether this technique of analyzing 4n-cells in EGFP Tg 4n↔2n chimeric embryos could be used to determine which characteristics of 4n-cells cause the death of 4n-embryos and restricted distribution of 4n-cells in 4n↔2n-chimeric embryos after implantation. In our experiments, the distribution of 4n-cells in 4n↔2n-embryos was normal until an embryonic age of 3.5 days (E3.5). With respect to morphological development, there were no differences between 4n-, diploid (2n), 4n↔2n-, and diploid/diploid (2n↔2n) chimeric embryos, but the number of cells in the tetraploid (4n) blastocyst was smaller than expected. This decrease in the number of cells may have caused cell death or reduced the rate of cell division in 4n-cells, and may have restricted the distribution of 4n-cells in 4n↔2n-chimeric embryos. This study demonstrated the utility of EGFP transgenic mouse embryos for relatively easy and noninvasive study of the sequential distribution of cells in chimeric embryos. Key words: 4n↔2n-chimeric embryo, EGFP transgenic mouse, Implantation (J. Reprod. Dev. 51: [567][568][569][570][571][572] 2005) nhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) is a nontoxic marker that emits green fluorescence without exogenous substrates or cofactors, and it has been proven useful in numerous applications, such as in the selection of transgenic embryos [1]. Because the expression of EGFP can be easily observed by fluorescent microscopy, the use of EGFP transgenic (Tg) mouse embryos may be useful for analyzing the distribution of cells in chimeric embryos.Tetraploid (4n ) m ouse embryos with 80 chromosomes have been produced by either inhibition of cleavage or blastomere fusion [2][3][4][5]. These embryos develop into blastocysts in vitro, but with the exception of a report by Snow [6], they are general ly not cons idered to be capable of completing their full-term development [4,7]. On the other hand, in vivo tetraploid↔diploid (4n ↔ 2n )-chim eric embryos are capable of continuing to develop after implantation, and tetraploid (4n) cells in those embryos tend to distribute in derivatives of the trophectoderm and primitive endoderm lineages, but not in those of the primitive ectoderm [8].