Transient simula ons of an arid mountain system were conducted using a fully integrated model of subsurface and overland water fl ow and the land surface energy balance (ParFlow). An hourly atmospheric me series was constructed and used to force a two-dimensional model containing detailed, stochas c descrip ons of subsurface heterogeneity for alluvial and fractured units. Two cases were simulated for mul ple years of simula on: a dry case based on a year with below-average precipita on, and a wet case with above-average precipita on. For each case, four realiza ons of hydraulic conduc vity were simulated, along with a homogeneous domain and a domain with lower fracture density. Detailed analysis of water balances from each simula on indicated that recharge (change in subsurface water storage) over mul ple years was signifi cant even for the dry case. The fractured model of subsurface heterogeneity, along with episodic infi ltra on, combined to create localized regions of fully saturated (perched) water. This was shown to be even more substan al in the wet case. By contrast, homogeneous simula ons did not exhibit this behavior and es mated lower recharge than the heterogeneous simula ons. Geospa al sta s cs were subsequently used to evaluate correla ons in land-energy fl uxes. The land-energy fl uxes exhibited clear spa al correla on and were infl uenced by both the shallow and deeper soil structures. This indicates that land-atmosphere fl uxes may provide an integrated measure of subsurface heterogeneity. Finally, the ver cal spa al structure of soil satura on in the fractured system was shown to exhibit mul scale behavior.Abbrevia ons: ET, evapotranspira on.The terrestrial water balance is a complicated set of interrelated processes. Water and energy fl uxes from the land surface, notably evapotranspiration and latent heat fl ux, are the primary mechanisms of communication between the land and atmosphere and have been shown to depend strongly on soil saturation (e.g., Chen and Avissar, 1994; Famiglietti and Wood, 1994;Baldocchi and Xu, 2007;Maxwell et al., 2007;Chen et al., 2008;Kollet and Maxwell, 2008;Kollet, 2009;Kollet et al., 2009;Siqueira et al., 2009). In arid environments, understanding land-atmosphere fl uxes is complicated by the episodic nature of precipitation, extremely dry soil moisture conditions, very small potential recharge (i.e., the diff erence between precipitation and evapotranspiration), vegetative controls, and spatial complexity and scaling (e.g., Scanlon et al., 2002Scanlon et al., , 2003Scanlon et al., , 2005Walvoord et al., 2002;Newman et al., 2006). Subsurface heterogeneity, particularly in fractured systems, further complicates the distribution and movement of moisture in the subsurface, which subsequently aff ects the spatial and temporal distribution of land-atmosphere fl uxes.Individual components of these arid, fractured systems have been studied previously. For example, Duke et al. (2007) used fi eld-scale tracer tests to study fl ow and transport in a fractured system consis...