Measurements of the thermal conductivity in the ab-plane of different YBa,Cu,O, -, single crystals in the temperature range 2 K < T < 120 K are presented. The crystals differ in oxygen content and density of defects like point defects and twin boundaries. A numerical analysis of the phonon thermal conductivity is described. It allows to separate the scattering rates for phonons due to the scattering mechanisms being effective in YBa,Cu,O, -6. The phonon thermal conductivity is considered only in the range of T < f r, and T > K , because separation of the electron thermal conductivity from the measured total value is complicated between these two limits. The results of analyzing some crystals provide a useful characterization of the mean densities of defects and show the dependence of the scattering mechanisms on the oxygen content.Es werden Messungen der Warmeleitfahigkeit in der ah-Ebene unterschiedlicher YBa,Cu,O, -,-