Cephalanthera erecta (Thunb. ex, Murray) is an herbaceous and a member of the genus Cephalanthera in the family Orchidaceae. The species is an herbaceous and has reputed Chinese medicinal value. It has been investigated the population density and spatial distribution of this species at Mt. Ahop in Korea during 2015. The spatial pattern of C. erecta was analyzed according to several patchiness indexes, population uniformity or aggregation under different sizes of plots by dispersion indices, and spatial autocorrelation. The mean crowding (M*) and patchiness index (PAI) showed positive values except one small plot (2 m × 2 m). Most natural individuals of C. erecta for plots were not uniformly distributed in the forest community. The small plots (2 m × 2 m, to 8 m × 16 m) of C. erecta were uniformly distributed in the forest community and large plots (16 m × 16 m and 16 m × 32 m) were aggregately distributed. Significant aggregations by Moran's I of C. erecta were partially observed within IV classes (12 m). Dissimilarity among pairs of individuals could found by more than 18.0 m. In conclusion, the geographic distribution of C. erecta is not even with varying degrees of size of plots and human activities give rise to density effects in the plots at Mt. Ahop in Korea.